Friday, June 24, 2011

The Iridescence of Ugliness

There are invaluable treasures to be acquired out of ugly situations, yet we avoid them at all cost. We seek to be seen from angles that show us as having it together, possessing all the answers, and flossing our expertise on an array of subjects. We focus on presenting seemingly impenetrable exteriors, yet hosting the most hollow, void places inwardly. The potency of ugliness and the potential therein reside in the fact that ugly situations freely shine a mirror on internal surfaces that we dare not show others. Exposure, embarrassment, and sheer humiliation are three things that if we could, I'm sure we'd all live without. However, what's on the flip side of these pride parasites? What if it took an embarassing situation to draw the most concentrated form of kindness out of you? Would it be worth it? I'm learning that we can possess a degree of iridescence throughout an ugly ordeal. Meaning, you could be looking mired and mangled to one person, while reflecting a luminous pallet of bright colors to another. What's the variant here? Perception and sadly, the usual lack of it. Nine out of ten people who are watching you during persecution are misperceiving why you are there. Many will assume that you're there because of frivilous choices you made in your life. Others will attribute your fate to you reaping karma that you've sewn. Then there's the truth. The very fact that God is either working a virtue into you and/or prying an undesireable element out of you could be the sole reason of you being in that trial. Within these last two years, I've endured storms that have taught me more about myself than I've ever EVER deemed possible OR wanted to see. These series of what some would deem "ugly events" only happened because God allowed them to...I've tasted first-hand the powerful lesson that beauty remains so, even in ugliness. Strength remains in tact (if not stronger) during the most draining series of events. And while some are looking at you in judgement and false perception, inwardly something is radiating from inside of you that has the capability to inspire, to motivate, and to change lives. And THIS phenomenon is in no way, shape, or form ugly. Regardless to what condition (color) people may see you as, you're the smallest budge from appearing to be the most radiant complexion of humanity. So despise NOT the ugliness of these precarious situations we go through, but manipulate them to reflect a shadow of translucence that only a true creation of divinity could manage. Shine the light on the pathway of someone else.