Monday, March 12, 2012


No matter the avenue or the place, we are ALL faced with the dilemma of avoiding toxic people, things AND relationships. Aside from what's on the exterior, we must contemplatively weigh the costs of coming into covenant with people whose value systems don't align with ours. A waltz too closely with obscurity can lead to tragedy. In the past, I've allowed toxicity to poison the path to my destiny with open arms. In order to thwart the enemy's attempt of allowing this to happen to others (or myself again) I had to share these thoughts...Enjoy

TOXICITY by J.R. Scott

So new, so fresh—full of hope, spice and zeal.
My newfound excitement, I can hardly conceal.
The very prospect of newness triggers a rush within.
My senses so enamored, I opt to ignore my chagrin.

Places in my heart that have slept far too long.
You’ve easily awakened, with your lyrical, sultry song.
I cling to every word, and the potential of forever—
Barely able to contain myself betwixt our endeavors…

The things I’d never say, you express with pure ease.
Places my mind won’t go, ‘cause my nerves won’t conceive.
Where inhibition prohibits; you weave between all the lanes.
And to the simplicity of normalcy you adamantly refrain.

Toxicity is what I see; but pure ecstasy is what I feel.
Yet I fail to precisely weigh, what’s fallacy versus real.
You’ve taken me all the way there: somewhere I can’t relent.
I’ve wielded all control to the beckon of your consent.

To where this road will lead me, I temporarily evade.
Choosing rather to cling to a hope, which may not even stay.
Ignored every warning sign that foretold of your instability,
While your antics slowly charmed away all of my rigidity.

The “following my heart” clause really meant negating my soul…
And that meant signing a pact to forsake all control.
The driver’s seat I let you take, blind and unseen.
Now my course and my path lay ransacked aside a ravine.

The venom of your sting affected more than meets the eye.
I volunteered to drag race in a dash of do or die…
Do I regret it? I still can’t call on account of my heart.
But I heard common sense whisper; we were doomed from the start.

The inoculation to your toxicity was a dose of absolution—
Partaking of your fruit, I could ignore my need for resolution.
Stalking complete, my guard you defeat—this episode is sealed.
Now I’m toxic, too, all out of chasing sporadic thrills.